CSS Text
Text Color:
color: Specifies the color of the text using color names, hexadecimal codes, RGB values, or other valid CSS color representations.
Text Alignment:
text-align: Determines the horizontal alignment of text within an element. Common values include left, center, right, and justify.
Text Decoration:
text-decoration: Controls decorations applied to text, such as underline, overline, line-through, or none.
Text Spacing:
letter-spacing: Adjusts the space between characters in text.
word-spacing: Adjusts the space between words in text.
Text Transform:
text-transform: Changes the capitalization of text. Options include uppercase, lowercase, capitalize, and none.
Line Height:
line-height: Sets the vertical space between lines of text. It can be specified as a unitless number or as a relative value.
<style> div{ width: 500px; height: 250px; background-color: aqua; } .para1{ color: red; } .para2{ text-align: center; } .para3{ text-decoration: none; } .para4{ letter-spacing: 5px; word-spacing: 5px; } .para5{ text-transform: uppercase; } .para6{ line-height: 10px; } </style></head><body> <div> <p class="para1">Sakasham Digital Technology</p> <p class="para2">Sakasham Digital Technology</p> <p class="para3">Sakasham Digital Technology</p> <p class="para4">Sakasham Digital Technology</p> <p class="para5">Sakasham Digital Technology</p> <p class="para6">Sakasham Digital Technology</p></div>
width: 500px;
height: 250px;
background-color: aqua;
color: red;
text-align: center;
text-decoration: none;
letter-spacing: 5px;
word-spacing: 5px;
text-transform: uppercase;
line-height: 10px;
<p class="para1">Sakasham Digital Technology</p>
<p class="para2">Sakasham Digital Technology</p>
<p class="para3">Sakasham Digital Technology</p>
<p class="para4">Sakasham Digital Technology</p>
<p class="para5">Sakasham Digital Technology</p>
<p class="para6">Sakasham Digital Technology</p>