CSS Animation
CSS Animation:
CSS animations allow you to create more complex and dynamic animations on web pages using keyframes and CSS properties. Unlike CSS transitions, which smoothly animate property changes over a duration, CSS animations provide greater control over the animation sequence, timing, and behavior.
Here's how to use CSS animations:
Basic Syntax:
To create a CSS animation, you define a set of keyframes using the @keyframes rule and then apply those keyframes to an element using the animation property. Here's the basic syntax:
animation-name: The name of the keyframes animation.
duration: The duration of the animation in seconds (s) or milliseconds (ms).
timing-function: The timing function that controls the acceleration of the animation (e.g., ease, linear, ease-in, ease-out, ease-in-out, cubic-bezier(), etc.).
delay (optional): The delay before the animation starts, in seconds (s) or milliseconds (ms).
iteration-count (optional): The number of times the animation should repeat (e.g., infinite for endless looping).
direction (optional): The direction of the animation (normal, reverse, alternate, alternate-reverse).
fill-mode (optional): Defines what styles are applied to the element before and after the animation (forwards, backwards, both, none).
play-state (optional): Specifies whether the animation is running or paused (running, paused).
Keyframes define how an element should change over the course of an animation. You specify intermediate states between from and to. For example:
Applying Animations:
After defining the keyframes, you can apply the animation to an element by referencing the animation name:
In this example, the slide-in animation will move the element from the left (-100%) to its original position (0%) over 1 second with an ease-in-out timing function.
Multiple Keyframes:
You can define more than just from and to keyframes. For example, you can create animations with multiple intermediate steps:
This animation will make the element pulse by scaling it up and down.
Animation Events:
CSS animations can trigger JavaScript events, such as animationstart, animationend, and animationiteration, which allow you to execute JavaScript code at specific points during an animation.
Browser Compatibility:
Be aware of browser compatibility when using CSS animations. Different browsers may require vendor prefixes for certain animation properties. CSS preprocessors like SASS and LESS can help with vendor prefixing.