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Advanced Python

Advanced Python

ADVANCED PYTHON: Have you mastered the basics of Python and crave more? Do you dream of tackling complex programming challenges, building sophisticated applications, and exploring the cutting edge of Python development? Then Saksham's Advanced Python course is your perfect launchpad!

This comprehensive program equips you with the in-depth knowledge and practical skills

to excel in advanced Python, allowing you to:

  • Dive into libraries and frameworks: Master advanced libraries like NumPy, Pandas, TensorFlow,   and   Django, unlocking   powerful   functionalities   for   data analysis, machine learning, web development, and more.
  • Explore object-oriented programming (OOP): Enhance your understanding of OOP concepts like inheritance, polymorphism, and encapsulation, enabling efficient and maintainable code creation.
  • Conquer advanced data structures and algorithms: Gain expertise in advanced data structures (e.g., trees, graphs) and algorithms (e.g., sorting, searching), empowering you to tackle complex programming problems effectively.

Why Choose Advanced Python?

Advancing your Python skills unlocks exciting possibilities:

  • Career Growth: Position yourself for lucrative career opportunities in various fields, including data science, web development, and machine learning.
  • Problem-Solving Prowess: Tackle complex challenges with advanced Python functionalities, allowing you to design efficient and innovative solutions.
  • Build Real-World Applications: Leverage your acquired knowledge to create sophisticated applications across diverse domains.

Saksham's Advanced Python course offers an engaging and practical learning experience:

  • Expert-led video lectures
  • Interactive exercises and projects

Supportive learning community

Unlock the full potential of Python with Saksham! By enrolling in this advanced course, you'll gain the expertise and confidence to push the boundaries of Python programming and embark on a rewarding career path.

Start your advanced Python journey today with Saksham!

Course Overview

Click below link to know about core python
Django is a popular web framework for building web applications using the Python programming language.
  • Model methods and properties
  • Creating models and defining fields
  • Model migrations and database schema updates
  • Database relationships (one-to-one, one-to-many, many-to-many)
Django, views are responsible for handling requests and returning responses.
  • URL routing and mapping views to URLs
  • Function-based views vs. class-based views
  • Template rendering and context data
  • Handling form submissions and processing user input
Django, templates are used to generate dynamic HTML pages or other types of output that are sent to the user's browser.
  • Handling forms and form validation in templates
  • Displaying data from models in templates
  • Template language and syntax (variables, filters, loops, conditionals)
  • Template inheritance and reusable templates
Django, forms provide a convenient way to handle user input, validate data, and generate HTML forms.
  • Using form widgets and customizing form fields
  • Creating and rendering HTML forms
  • Form processing and integrating with models
  • Form validation and handling form submissions
Django Admin is a powerful feature of Django that automatically generates a web-based administration interface for managing your application's data.
  • Creating admin views and managing model data
  • Setting up and customizing the Django admin interface
  • User authentication and permissions in the admin
  • Defining admin actions and filters
Django, URLs and routing are handled through the URLconf (URL configuration) system.
  • Capturing URL parameters and passing them to views
  • URL namespaces and including other URL configurations
  • URL patterns and regular expressions
  • Redirects and handling HTTP methods (GET, POST, etc.)
Custom middleware classes are typically defined in a separate Python module.
  • Common uses of middleware (authentication, logging, etc.)
  • Understanding middleware and its role in request/response processing
  • Creating custom middleware components
  • Middleware order and processing flow
Django provides a built-in authentication system that handles these functionalities.
  • Third-party authentication (OAuth, social authentication)
  • User authentication and registration
  • User sessions and cookies
  • Permissions and access control
Django, testing is an integral part of the development process.
  • Using test fixtures and test databases
  • Writing unit tests and test cases
  • Test-driven development (TDD) practices
  • Testing models, views, forms, and other components
Deploying a Django application involves making your application accessible on a production server.
  • Configuration and setup for production environment
  • Deploying Django applications to web servers
  • Managing static files and media uploads
  • Server options (Apache, Nginx, Gunicorn)