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Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing

DIGITAL MARKETING: In today's digital world, businesses of all sizes need a powerful online presence to thrive. Digital marketing offers a unique toolbox to reach and engage potential customers, build brand awareness, and ultimately, drive growth.

Saksham's Digital Marketing course equips you with the comprehensive skills and knowledge to excel in this dynamic field, allowing you to:

  • Understand the digital landscape: Demystify various marketing channels and platforms, from social media and email marketing to search engine optimization (SEO) and pay-per-click (PPC) advertising.
  • Craft engaging content: Learn to create compelling content that resonates with your target audience and drives engagement.
  • Leverage data for insights: Discover how to analyze data effectively, measure campaign performance, and make data-driven decisions for optimal results.

Why Choose Digital Marketing?

The digital marketing landscape offers several compelling reasons to enter this exciting field:

  • High Demand: Skilled digital marketers are in high demand across various industries, with promising career opportunities.
  • Scalability and Adaptability: Digital marketing skills remain relevant and adaptable, allowing you to work across different industries and adjust to evolving trends.
  • Measurable Results: Unlike traditional marketing, digital marketing allows you to track campaign performance and measure results accurately, enabling continuous improvement.
  • Creative Expression: Develop your creative muscles and tell brand stories in innovative ways through various marketing channels.

What You'll Learn with Saksham's Digital Marketing Course:

  • Fundamentals of Digital Marketing
  • Content Marketing


  • Social Media Marketing
  • Email Marketing
  • Analytics and Reporting Learning with Saksham:
  • Expert-Led Video Lectures: Gain a clear understanding with concise and engaging video lectures delivered by experienced instructors.
  • Interactive Learning Environment: Ask questions, participate in discussions, and connect with fellow learners in a supportive community.
  • Real-World Projects: Apply your knowledge through practical projects and case studies, simulating real-world scenarios and building your portfolio.
  • Dedicated Support: Our team is here to provide personalized assistance whenever you need help.

  • Become a digital marketing whiz with Saksham! By mastering essential skills and gaining valuable experience, you'll be well-equipped to navigate the ever-evolving digital landscape and propel businesses towards success in the online world.

    Enroll today and take the first step towards a rewarding career in digital marketing!

    Course Overview

    Digital marketing refers to the practice of promoting products, services, or brands using various digital channels and technologies.
    • What is marketing and digital marketing?
    • Understanding Marketing and Digital Marketing Process?
    Website creation is a crucial component of digital marketing as it serves as the online hub for a business or brand.
    • HTML Basic
    • Understanding about Internet , websites , l
    • Planning of a website Statics, Dynamics (Informative & Ecommerce)
    • Domain Booking
    • About CMS and creating website in Wordpress
    • Server & Hosting
    • One Live Project
    search engines can easily access and understand your website's content.
    • What are search engines and their functions ?
    • What is SEO?
    • Understanding traffic , keywords etc .
    • On page optimization
    • URL Structure
    • Site Analysis
    • Domain
    • Keyword Research With Google Keyword Planner
    • Keyword Planning
    • Title Tag
    • Meta Tag
    • Google Analytics (Code Generation)
    • Canonical Tag
    • H1 Tag
    • Anchor Tag
    • Image Optimization (Alt Tag)
    • Sitemap Creation & Submission (html and xml)
    • Content Optimization
    • Custom 404
    • Robots.txt
    • .htaccess
    • 301 Redirect
    • Off page optimization
    • What is Off page SEO?
    • Why Off page is Important
    • Backlinks Creation Methods
    • What are Backlinks?
    • Difference Between Do Follow and No Follow Backlinks
    • How to Increase Google Page Rank
    • Web Directory Submissions
    • Article Writing & Submission
    • What is Google Page Rank
    • Social Bookmarking
    • Press Release Writing & Submission
    • Forum Posting
    • Comment Blogging
    • Classifieds Posting
    • RSS Feeds
    • Search Engine Submissions
    Google Ads and Google Ads Express are popular PPC advertising platforms provided by Google.
    • Introduction to Google ads & PPC advertising
    • Setting up Google ads account
    • Understanding in organic search results
    • Overview of Microsoft Adcenter (Bing & Yahoo)
    • Campaigns, Adgroups, Ads, Keywords, etc.
    • Understanding ads account structure
    • How does ads rank ads
    • Types of Advertising campaigns-Search, Display, Video
    • Difference between search & display campaign
    • What is quality score
    • Why quality score is important What is CTR?
    • Understanding ads algorithm (adrank) in detail with examples
    • Why CTR is important Understanding bids
    • Enhanced CPC
    • Advanced level bid strategies
    • What are flexible bidding strategies
    • Types of ad-extensions
    • Understanding ad-extensions
    • Finding relevant adgroups options using tool
    • Creating adgroups
    • Creating adgroups using tool
    • Finding relevant keywords
    • Adding ad-extensions in our Campaign
    • Understanding keywords
    • Adding keywords in ad-group using keyword planner tool
    • Examples of types of keywords
    • Understanding types of keywords Board, Phrase, Exact, Synonym & Negative
    • Creating ads
    • How to write a compelling ad copy
    • Understanding ad metrics Display & destination URL
    • Tracking Performance/Conversion
    • What is conversion tracking Why is it important
    • Best & worst examples of ads Creating ads
    • How to set up conversion tracking
    • Adding tracking code in your website
    • Checking conversion stats
    • Remarketing
    • Optimizing Search Campaigns
    • Ads Fundamental
    • Display Advertising
    • Search Advertising
    • Video Advertising
    • Mobile Advertising
    • Shopping Advertising
    Social media marketing relies heavily on creating and sharing engaging content to attract and retain the target audience.
    • Understanding the existing social media paradigms & psychology
    • What is social media
    • How social media marketing is different than others
    Facebook offers businesses a vast user base and a range of marketing tools to reach and engage with potential customers.
    • Creating Facebook advertising campaign
    • Creating Facebook Page
    • session
    • Understanding Facebook marketing practical
    • How to do marketing on fan page (with examples)
    • Increasing fans on fan page
    • Facebook Advertising
    • Important apps to do fan page merketing
    • Fan engagement
    • Best practices for Facebook advertising
    • Types of Facebook advertising
    • Targeting in ad campaign
    • Payment module-CPC vs CPM-CPA
    • Using power editor tool for adv.
    • Setting up conversion tracking
    LinkedIn platform to connect with professionals, build professional networks, promote brands, and achieve specific business objectives.
    • Understanding Linkedin
    • Linkedin Advertising & it best Practices
    • What is Linkedin l Understanding Linkedin
    • Company profile vs Individual Profiles (Difference between Individual and Company Profiles)
    • How to do marketing on Linkedin groups
    • Understanding Linkedin Groups (Manage Linkedin groups)
    • Company Pages
    • Increase ROI from Linkedin ads
    • Linkedin Publishing
    Twitter provides various targeting options to ensure ads are shown to the most relevant audience.
    • Tools to listen & measure influence on Twiiter: Tweetdeck, Klout, PeerIndex
    • Black hat techniques of Twitter Marketing
    • How to do marketing on Twitter
    • Understanding twitter
    • Advertising on Twitter
    • Tools of twitter Marketing
    • Creating Campaigns
    • Types of Ads
    These videos focus on showcasing the brand's identity, values, and mission.
    • Creating 1st Video campaign
    • Benefits of Video marketing
    • Understanding Video Campaigns
    • Importance of Video marketing
    • Using you tube for Business
    • Get traffic through you tube channel/video to your website
    • Developing you tube video for Marketing strategy
    • Create video adgroup
    • YouTube Monetization
    • Targeting options
    • How to Increase Youtube (Views, Subscriber Etc.)
    Google Analytics tracks and reports various metrics related to website traffic.
    • Introduction to Google analytics
    • Understanding cookie tracking
    • Understanding Google analytics account structure
    • How Google analytics works
    • Types of cookie tracking used by Google analytics
    • How to set up analytics account
    • Difference between exit rate & bounce rate how to reduce bounce rate
    • How to setup goals
    • Hot to add analytics code in website
    • Understanding different types of goals
    • Understanding goals and conversion how to setup goals?
    • Understanding bounce & bounce rate
    • Understanding Google analytics insights
    • Benefits of integrating adwords & analytics
    • How to integrate adwords and analytics account
    • Importance of funnels
    • Understanding filters & segments
    • Measuring performance of marketing campaigns via Google analytics
    • How to view customized reports
    • How to set up filters & segments
    • Monitoring traffic behavior
    • Monitoring traffic sources
    • Taking corrective actions if required
    The goal of ORM is to build and maintain a strong online reputation, enhance credibility, and mitigate the impact of negative information or reviews.
    • What is online reputation management
    • Why online reputation management
    • How to deal with criticism online
    • Understanding ORM scenario
    • Ways to create positive brand image online
    • Understanding tools for monitoring online reputation
    • Best examples of online reputation management
    • Step by step guide to overcome negative online reputation
    Affiliate networks act as intermediaries between advertisers and affiliates.
    • What is Affiliates
    • Top Indian and Worldwide Bloggers
    • How to join and Earn with Affiliates
    • How to Earn Money with Blogging
    Adsense and blogging are two essential components of digital marketing that can be combined to generate revenue and monetize a blog.
    • What is Adsense
    • Cool trick to get Adsense approval by Google
    • How to get approved for Adsense
    • What is Blogging
    • Using your adsense account interface Placing ads on your blog
    • Creating blogs with our Free theme
    • Wordpress Themes and Plugins
    • How to Blog
    • What is Wordpress and How to Create with Wordpress
    E-commerce marketing refers to the strategies and tactics employed to promote and sell products or services online.
    • What is Ecommerce
    • Why you need a solid Ecommerce marketing strategy
    • Top Ecommerce Website around the world
    • How to do SEO of an Ecommerce website
    • Ecommerce scenario in India
    • Ecommerce business
    • Formulating right Ecommerce marketing strategy
    Video marketing is a powerful strategy that involves creating and utilizing videos to promote, advertise, or communicate messages to a target audience. It has become increasingly popular due to the widespread use of digital platforms and the ease of consuming video content.
    • Understanding Video Campaigns
    • Creating 1st Video campaign
    • Importance of Video marketing
    • Benefits of Video marketing
    • Using you tube for Business
    • Developing you tube video for Marketing strategy
    • Create video adgroup
    • Get traffic through you tube channel/video to your website
    • Targeting options
    • YouTube Monetization
    • How to Increase Youtube (Views, Subscriber Etc.)
    WordPress is a popular open-source content management system (CMS) that allows users to create and manage websites and blogs with ease. Originally developed as a blogging platform, WordPress has evolved into a versatile CMS that powers a significant portion of the internet. Here's an overview of key features and aspects of WordPress:
    • About CMS and creating website in Wordpress
    • Wordpress Installation
    • Create domain email accounts
    • Wordpress introduction themes
    • How to create pages and post in wordpress
    • Categories vs tags
    • How to create Menus in Wordpress
    • Free theme customization part 1
    • Free theme customization part 2
    • Free theme customization part 3
    • Overview , Analysis, Installation & use of Plugins
    • Content Development
    • Payment gateway and website security
    • Domain Booking
    • Server & Hosting
    • One Live Project
    Mobile web marketing refers to the strategies and techniques used to promote products, services, or brands through mobile devices, particularly smartphones and tablets. As mobile usage continues to grow globally, optimizing marketing efforts for mobile platforms has become essential for businesses seeking to reach a broader audience. Here's an overview of key aspects of mobile web marketing:
    • Understanding Mobile Devices
    • Mobile Marketing and Social Media
    • Mobile Marketing Measurement and Analytics
    • Fundamentals of Mobile marketing
    Email marketing is a digital marketing strategy that involves sending targeted and personalized messages to a group of individuals via email. It is a powerful and cost-effective tool for businesses and organizations to connect with their audience, build relationships, promote products or services, and drive engagement. Here's an overview of key aspects of email marketing:
    • Database Collection of Email Id’s
    • Service provider (Mailchimp, Sendgrid)
    • Mail Templates