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Programming C++

Programming C++

PROGRAMMING C++: Do you dream of creating high-performance software, games, and even operating systems? Then C++ might be your perfect coding companion! This powerful and versatile language empowers you to bring complex ideas to life, offering a rich feature set and extensive capabilities.

Saksham's C++ Programming course provides a structured and beginner-friendly

approach, allowing you to:

  • Grasp the fundamentals: Learn the core concepts of C++, including object-oriented programming (OOP) principles, data structures, algorithms, and memory management.
  • Navigate the programming world: Understand how to design, write, and compile C++ programs with confidence.
  • Build your first applications: Apply your newfound knowledge to create powerful C++ applications, showcasing your skills and building a strong portfolio.

Why Choose C++?

C++ offers several compelling reasons to become your language of choice:

  • High Performance: C++ remains a preferred language for developers seeking speed and efficiency, making it ideal for demanding applications.
  • Versatility: Explore various domains with C++, from game development and system programming to web development and embedded systems.
  • Object-Oriented Advantage: Master OOP principles in C++, enabling you to structure code effectively and create reusable software components.

• Strong Community: Benefit from a vast community of C++ developers offering support, resources, and learning opportunities.

Unlock your programming potential with Shaksham's C++ Programming course! Through engaging lectures, interactive exercises, and real-world projects, you'll gain the confidence and skills to:

  • Design efficient and robust C++ programs.
  • Embrace object-oriented programming concepts.
  • Solve complex problems through practical applications.

Enroll today and start building your C++ programming future with Saksham!

Course Overview

C++ is a foundational course designed to provide beginners with a solid understanding of programming concepts and the C++ programming language.
  • Overview of Programming
  • Advantages of C++ over other programming languages
  • Setting up the development environment
  • Hello World program in C++
  • Role Of Compilers and Assemblers
In C++, variables, data types, and operators form the building blocks of any program.
  • Variables and Data types
  • Constants
  • Operators
  • Type conversion
Conditional statements allow the program to make decisions based on specific conditions.
  • Conditional Statements
  • Loops
  • Break and Continue statements
  • Switch statements
Functions in C++ are modular units of code that perform specific tasks.
  • Introduction to functions
  • Function prototypes
  • Passing arguments to functions
  • Returning values from functions
  • Recursion
Array is a collection of elements of the same data type, stored in contiguous memory locations.
  • Arrays
  • Multi-dimensional arrays
  • Strings
  • Pointers
It organizes code around objects, which are instances of classes that encapsulate data and behavior.
  • Classes and Objects
  • Data abstraction
  • Encapsulation
  • Inheritance
  • Single Inheritance
  • Multiple Inheritance
  • Multilevel Inheritance
  • Hierarchical inheritance
  • Hybrid Inheritance
  • Constructor & Destructor
  • Function Overloading
  • Operator Overloading
  • Function Overriding
  • Need of Virtual Function
  • Binding Types
  • Static Binding and Dynamic Binding
  • Virtual Function
  • Upcasting and Downcasting
  • Composition and Aggregation
  • Deep Copy and Shallow Copy
  • Data Abstraction
  • Abstract Class
  • Oops vs. Procedural Programming Approach
  • Oops Implementation
  • Oops Approaches
  • Pointers in c++
  • Inline Functions
  • Pure Virtual Function
  • Friend function and friend class
Exception handling in C++ is a mechanism that allows programmers to handle and recover from unexpected or exceptional situations that occur during program execution.
  • Exceptions
  • try-catch block
  • throw statement
  • Multiple catch blocks
C++ provides file stream objects to handle input and output operations on files.
  • Opening and Closing files
  • Reading and Writing files
  • Random file access
  • Applications of file management
  • File opening modes
  • Input output operations on file
  • Error handling
C++ Standard Library and offers a wide range of ready-to-use components that greatly simplify programming tasks.
  • Introduction to Templates and Generic Programming
  • Factors.
  • List class.
  • Advantages of template
  • Stack class.
  • Template function and Template class
  • Queue class.
  • Vectors.
  • Priority Queue.
  • Map .
  • Algorithms .