Java While Loop

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Java While Loop

Java While Loop  :

 The while loop in Java is a fundamental control flow structure that allows you to execute a block of code repeatedly as long as a specified condition is true.

Here's the basic syntax:

In this structure:

  • The condition is a boolean expression. It can be a variable, a comparison, or any expression that evaluates to a boolean value (true or false).
  • The code inside the curly braces {} is the body of the loop. It will execute as long as the condition remains true.

Here's an example to illustrate how a while loop works in Java :

In this example:

  • count is initialized to 1.
  • The while loop runs as long as count is less than or equal to 5.
  • During each iteration, the value of count is printed, and then it is incremented by 1 using count++.
  • The loop continues until count is no longer less than or equal to 5.

It's crucial to ensure that the condition within the while loop eventually becomes false to avoid an infinite loop. If the condition never becomes false, the loop will continue indefinitely, which might lead to the program becoming unresponsive or causing a deadlock.

The while loop is suitable when the number of iterations is unknown initially and is based on a certain condition. It is important to update the variables inside the loop to avoid an infinite loop and to ensure the loop will eventually terminate.