String Question 4

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String Question 4

Question 4. Write a Program to find a first occurrence of of needle in string, and return -1 if it is not a part of string.


class Solution {

    public int strStr(String haystack, String needle) {

        int hayLen = haystack.length();

        int needleLen = needle.length();

        if (hayLen < needleLen) {

            return -1;


        for (int i = 0; i <= hayLen - needleLen; i++) {

            if (haystack.charAt(i) == needle.charAt(0)) {

                boolean found = true;

                for (int j = 1; j < needleLen; j++) {

                    if (haystack.charAt(i + j) != needle.charAt(j)) {

                        found = false;




                if (found) {

                    return i;




        return -1;

